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Involuntary Blogslaughter

This is a blog by a second-year law student at University of Michigan Law School. This blog is filled with misspeliing, grammar mistakes, cynicism, and bitterness because of the Yale Law rejection.

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

President's Speech in Brussels

When asked about whether the U.S. has any plans to attack Iran, President Bush quickly replied "This notion that the United States is planning to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. Heck, we never made any plans for Iraq attack either. We usually just invade what we want and then ask the Congress to get behind our troops and write us a blank check."

"And I don't see why some people are opposed to war when it is so good for America. Thanks to our current war, Americans who previously thought that Iraq was a computer brand now know that Iraq is a sovereign democratic country. They know all of the major cities in Iraq, and some of them can even spell Iraq. "

"Some unpatriotic people say that this was a very expensive geography lesson – we could've sent every American to Harvard for a year with the money we spent on this war. But let me tell ya, Harvard is overrated. I've been there and I can't even pronounce 'nucular'. Nothing educates people better than government taxing them and wasting ... I mean using their money to promote democracy all over the world. And we still have a lot of countries were democracy has not prevailed – China, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Africa."

"Of course, since rich people are already highly educated, we don't need to tax them as heavily as those poor people. People need an incentive to work hard. And those rich people are smart and they will find a way to dodge taxes anyway."

"In Iraq, no doubt about it, it's tough. It's hard work. It's incredibly hard. But I know that we will win. I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe — I believe what I believe is right. God bless America" (weak applause)


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