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Involuntary Blogslaughter

This is a blog by a second-year law student at University of Michigan Law School. This blog is filled with misspeliing, grammar mistakes, cynicism, and bitterness because of the Yale Law rejection.

Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States

Friday, February 04, 2005

My reaction to the bar night

Don't you hate it when your hair smells like cigarette smoke after a night in a bar?. There was so much smoke in the bar last night that when I came home my smoke detector went off. I don't understand why people smoke despite knowing how bad it is for you: smoking causes cancer, emphysema, high blood pressure, and supports Kentucky tobacco farmers who vote for Bush.

And can you believe the price of the drinks in bars? Why does it cost more to buy one drink than to feed a village in Africa for a year? Soon, banks will start opening branches in bars so you can get a second mortgage to buy that cute girl another Martini.

I am not a big fan of bars as you can tell. It's just too noise, too crowded, there is always a long line to get an overpriced drink, and even a longer line in the bathroom to expel the drink you got an hour earlier. Going to a bar for me always turns into this routine –"Hi, how are you? Where are you from? Can I buy you a drink? Excuse me, I am going to the restroom for a second." The person is gone and everything starts anew "Hi, how are you ...." I think I'll be much more efficient if I just stay at home and drink beer while sitting on the toilet. If I want an intellectually stimulating conversation, I can call my favorite 1-900-PSYCHIC.


Blogger DeniseUMLaw said...

::chuckles:: It's awesome to have you in the blogosphere.

I have pretty much the same experience with bars; I especially hate the smell of cigarette smoke. But, lines at the bathroom? Ha! You don't know the half of it. ;)

7:06 AM  

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